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Events Calendar

XXI International Romerías de Mayo Festival.
Hits : 2330

In these celebrations, tradition delves into the future, it is a meeting between generations of artists, intellectuals and cultural promoters from dozens of countries. These festivities make Holguín, the city of parks, the capital of young art, and concerts and meetings are held in its spaces, important moments for social reflection and cultural enjoyment. In this edition, the topics related to regional cultures, the generational meeting, the vanguard of young art and tradition and modernity will be discussed.

It sponsors: Provincial Directorate of Culture of Holguín, AHS.
Headquarters: Holguín.
Organizing Committee: Rachel García Heredia. Chairwoman.
Telephones: 24 461673 mobile 52176234.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
WEB site:
Tour operator: Paradiso.
Frequency: Annual.

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